I am so excited you have decided to join ZYIA and our Team. This company is amazing and I am so excited to help you grow your business. I have loved being a part of ZYIA since the day I joined and I know you will too!
Now that you have enrolled with your starter kit, I wanted to give you some first step tips in starting out. There is a lot to learn, but these few things are going to be what really get your started on the right foot.
I would love to go through all of these with you on a call or in person, so please reach out and let me know a good time to chat!
There is no downside to a side hustle. There are only benefits to building another source of income. A side hustle is the new job security. -Forbes
Where to start...
I don't want to overwhelm you with a ton of info, but I also want to make sure you have all the info at your fingertips WHEN you need it.So below are my top 10 things that you should do to start a successful ZYIA Business. If you are a go getter and are ready to RUN with this business, jump through these as fast as you want. If you need some time.... bookmark this and go through it all at your own pace. When you are ready to RUN with this... I'm here to help. Reach out to me at ANY TIME and let me know how it's going.
BRANDING, SOCIAL MEDIA, CONSISTENCY - Changing your website name, creating social media accounts, & posting consistently.
Important things to know....
ZYIA Corporate will be sending you a ton of emails right from the start. This is how they communicate for almost everything, so make sure you check those emails when you do get them. I actually suggest you create a separate email just for your ZYIA account. Just head over to gmail.com and create a new email. Later on I'll give you some tips on how to really use Gmail and a fun application called Streak, to keep organized (if you'd like).
But, before you do anything else, make sure you check out your welcome email from ZYIA and on a note on your phone write down the important info....
Let’s start with some of the Basics!!!
First off, you will want to know your REP ID. Find that and keep it handy.
NEXT you will want to know your REP website, it will be www.myzyia.com/YOURREPID# . Later on I will show you how to change your rep website to work with your branding, but for now, just keep this info handy. You will need to access it many times.
You will need this handy, so create a note on your phone with this basic info that you can reference easily.
We have a Team Page & A Trello Board with Trainings. You can view everything and start to go through it, but I would love to chat with you on the phone or a video chat first to go over everything so we can start you right.... would you have time this week to set up a call?
I will be adding you to the Trello Board and Team Page shortly, so please look for those Invites.
EMAILS FROM CORPORATE: ZYIA Corporate has so much good training in their emails. You will be receiving those over the next week, so check them out when you have time and learn some of the basics.
I will also send you a much more THOROUGH email in just a little bit, that I would love to go over with you on a phone chat… so please let me know when you have time to talk so we can really get you started right.
We have so many resources for you, but I don’t want you to get overwhelmed. I will be listing the main ones below (and I will add you to those FB pages) + I’ll link some of the additional ones that you can choose to join if you wish!
ZYIA BRAVE TEAM PAGE - This is my teams Team page. This is a smaller and more personal team page with just my personally sponsored REPS. You are welcome to add your reps to this page as well once they join.
ZYIA GALS TEAM PAGE - This is our Uplines Team page. We are so blessed to be right under the TOP ZYIA leader, Chrissy Tager. She has created an amazing team with an amazing culture. You will want to be a part of this group. Search the toolbar for questions on sizing for ANY products and sizing. This page is so valuable and will help you in EVERY WAY!
ZyiaLife-Zyia Active Independent Reps - This is another larger team page where you can get information on sizing and fit for certain items. It also has great reviews from one of our uplines (Natalie Robinson). She lives in Utah and get’s access to the New Releases, so I love hearing her reviews each week on how everything fits.
ZYIA MARKETING DESIGNS - This page is filled with AMAZING people who love to share ideas and graphics. If you want some ideas on how to promote, or images to use, this group has EVERYTHING.
FOLLOW on Social Media:
Here are the Instagram accounts you’ll want to follow:
@zyiaactive https://www.instagram.com/zyiaactive/ - This is the public, corporate Instagram account. You’ll want to check this account for Wednesday product launch info, photos and more. You can also screen shot images shared to this page for use on your own Instagram account. Just be sure to tag the model and photographer!
@zyiafamily - https://www.instagram.com/zyiafamily/ - This is the corporate Instagram account just for ZYIA ACTIVE REPS. You’ll want to check this account for sizing info, product videos, company promos and more. Also, be sure to check out the stories posted on Wednesdays for in-depth product and sizing reviews.
@kimberlyjarman & @zyiabrave - These are my Instagram pages. I’d love for you to follow me and I will follow you back! Feel free to use images I post and grow your own instagram account. http://www.instagram.com/kimberlyjarman & http://www.instagram.com/zyiabrave
@zyiagal - http://www.instagram.com/zyiagal This is our uplines Instagram page! She does amazing reviews and is worth the follow! You can use any images she posts and follows as well.
Here are the YouTube channels you’ll want to subscribe to:
ZYIA BRAVE - Kimberly Jarman You Tube: I will post Trainings and Team Calls to this You tube, so subscribe to see everything.
ZYIA Gal - our Uplines You Tube. She adds reviews and trainings ALL the time.
I know this is a lot… keep this email as a reference so that you can easily access these groups and pages. ALSO, I highly suggest having a note in your phone with all of these resources handy, so that you can easily access everything.
Please let me know when a good time is for you to go over all of this and set up your launch party!
Our Team Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2357029001276959/
Ready. Set. Go

# 1.
Important things to know....
ZYIA Corporate will be sending you a ton of emails right from the start. This is how they communicate for almost everything, so make sure you check those emails when you do get them. I actually suggest you create a separate email just for your ZYIA account. Just head over to gmail.com and create a new email. Later on I'll give you some tips on how to really use Gmail and a fun application called Streak, to keep organized (if you'd like).
But, before you do anything else, make sure you check out your welcome email from ZYIA and on a note on your phone write down the important info....
Let’s start with some of the Basics!!!
First off, you will want to know your REP ID. Find that and keep it handy.
NEXT you will want to know your REP website, it will be www.myzyia.com/YOURREPID# . Later on I will show you how to change your rep website to work with your branding, but for now, just keep this info handy. You will need to access it many times.
You will need this handy, so create a note on your phone with this basic info that you can reference easily.
We have a Team Page & A Trello Board with Trainings. You can view everything and start to go through it, but I would love to chat with you on the phone or a video chat first to go over everything so we can start you right.... would you have time this week to set up a call?
I will be adding you to the Trello Board and Team Page shortly, so please look for those Invites.
EMAILS FROM CORPORATE: ZYIA Corporate has so much good training in their emails. You will be receiving those over the next week, so check them out when you have time and learn some of the basics.
I will also send you a much more THOROUGH email in just a little bit, that I would love to go over with you on a phone chat… so please let me know when you have time to talk so we can really get you started right.
We have so many resources for you, but I don’t want you to get overwhelmed. I will be listing the main ones below (and I will add you to those FB pages) + I’ll link some of the additional ones that you can choose to join if you wish!
ZYIA BRAVE TEAM PAGE - This is my teams Team page. This is a smaller and more personal team page with just my personally sponsored REPS. You are welcome to add your reps to this page as well once they join.
ZYIA GALS TEAM PAGE - This is our Uplines Team page. We are so blessed to be right under the TOP ZYIA leader, Chrissy Tager. She has created an amazing team with an amazing culture. You will want to be a part of this group. Search the toolbar for questions on sizing for ANY products and sizing. This page is so valuable and will help you in EVERY WAY!
ZyiaLife-Zyia Active Independent Reps - This is another larger team page where you can get information on sizing and fit for certain items. It also has great reviews from one of our uplines (Natalie Robinson). She lives in Utah and get’s access to the New Releases, so I love hearing her reviews each week on how everything fits.
ZYIA MARKETING DESIGNS - This page is filled with AMAZING people who love to share ideas and graphics. If you want some ideas on how to promote, or images to use, this group has EVERYTHING.
FOLLOW on Social Media:
Here are the Instagram accounts you’ll want to follow:
@zyiaactive https://www.instagram.com/zyiaactive/ - This is the public, corporate Instagram account. You’ll want to check this account for Wednesday product launch info, photos and more. You can also screen shot images shared to this page for use on your own Instagram account. Just be sure to tag the model and photographer!
@zyiafamily - https://www.instagram.com/zyiafamily/ - This is the corporate Instagram account just for ZYIA ACTIVE REPS. You’ll want to check this account for sizing info, product videos, company promos and more. Also, be sure to check out the stories posted on Wednesdays for in-depth product and sizing reviews.
@kimberlyjarman & @zyiabrave - These are my Instagram pages. I’d love for you to follow me and I will follow you back! Feel free to use images I post and grow your own instagram account. http://www.instagram.com/kimberlyjarman & http://www.instagram.com/zyiabrave
@zyiagal - http://www.instagram.com/zyiagal This is our uplines Instagram page! She does amazing reviews and is worth the follow! You can use any images she posts and follows as well.
Here are the YouTube channels you’ll want to subscribe to:
ZYIA BRAVE - Kimberly Jarman You Tube: I will post Trainings and Team Calls to this You tube, so subscribe to see everything.
ZYIA Gal - our Uplines You Tube. She adds reviews and trainings ALL the time.
I know this is a lot… keep this email as a reference so that you can easily access these groups and pages. ALSO, I highly suggest having a note in your phone with all of these resources handy, so that you can easily access everything.
Please let me know when a good time is for you to go over all of this and set up your launch party!
Our Team Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2357029001276959/
#1. First.. let's start with logging into your back office and creating an event.
One of the perks of being a REP is that you can host your own parties and reap all the rewards. So you will ALWAYS want to have an online event set up for yourself. Put all online orders not associated with a party in this event AND all of your personal orders as well. I highly suggest that you don't utilize the 25% discount that you get in your back office & you actually purchase all your items as retail. WHY? Because when you hit $1000 in sales each month you get an override and the normal 20% commission turns into 28% commission, which is 3% more than your discount. So, if you place all your orders through your own party & your orders + customer orders combined equals $1000 each month, you earn more commission & the hostess rewards, which start at $200.
Step 1. Watch this video
Go back through to your emails and find your login information for the ZYIA Back Office. Log in: www.myzyia.com and set up your first event for yourself. For now, all orders placed under your site, for your launch party, personal orders, even your gift card, will go through this event!
Our goal this first month is to help you achieve $1000 in your own sales party and to achieve override and get the 28% commissions! Totally doable and I'll help you along the way! Message me once you have finished this step.
Find your Gift Card
# 2.
It's time to shop!!! WOOHOO!! There are two different ways to use your gift card. You can utilize the 25% discount and create a personal order in the back office OR you can order through your rep website, put the order under your personal party, and it will go towards your $1000 override + it will go toward your hostess rewards. I ALWAYS recommend you use your gift card and shop this second way, so that you can take advantage of the hostess rewards and the extra 3% commission (once you reach $1000 in sales).
Action step: Watch this video
Watch this video and decide how you want to use your gift card. I suggest that you order some of the staple ZYIA items, so that you can show them off while you wear your ZYIA! Below is a list of some of the Staple items, so you can get an idea of our best sellers. If you have quesitons on sizing or what to order, message me and I can help give you some ideas.
If you choose to order through your party, you will already have $200 towards your hostess rewards AND towards your $1000 override, so will be off to a great start!! All you need is $800 in sales and you unlock so much!!! Exciting right?
Next... let's get some sales and get your Launch Party Set Up!

Time to set up your Facebook Group.
# 3.
This step is CRUCIAL to you succeeding in your first month, so let's jump on it quickly!! Now that you have an event set up for your hostess rewards & you've already added $200 to it through your gift card order, it's time to create the facebook group that will host your launch party & in turn roll into your VIP group!
I think it's really important to learn how to run facebook parties, so this will be your first step to do that! II know that you are fresh will help you with this part and even help you run your launch group and set it all up.
Before we start, you need to decide if you would like to create a Facebook Business Page and run all of your parties through the business page or if you would like to run your parties through your personal Facebook Page. You can choose, but here are some things to think about:
If you choose to run groups this way, it is the most simple and least steps. You will just create a new group or event from your facebook page and run everything that way. There is a chance, if you are running a lot of groups, that you could get tagged by Facebook and put in Facebook Jail. Your account could get locked and it's a pain in the butt. This is ALWAYS a possibility as facebook has a lot of rules that are sometimes hard to follow. So either way you choose this is an option, but with a personal page, I've found it happens more often.
When you run your groups through a business page, facebook likes you a little more. You have a better chance of not being locked out of your groups (as long as you still abide by their rules). This isn't a lot of extra work once you get your facebook business page set up, BUT it will help you in the long run. Once your business page is set up, you can easily create groups through it.
Action step: Choose which route you want to go. If you want to create a business page, watch the video below and follow the steps. Either way, message me and I will help you create your facebook group based off of your choice AND I will help you run your launch party.

# 4.
This is probably one of the most fun parts about your first month! You get to see how it all works and have your first launch party!!!
I don't expect you to do this yourself and want to help you find absolute success, so if you will let me, I'd love to help you run your launch party. This is a chance for you to see how I run these, get some sales, & then take over at the end and finish strong!
You will want to set up a date for your launch party within the first week of you signing up! We want to make this successful and I want you to hit override (28% commissions when you hit over $1000 in sales) your first month, so we want to tackle this part right away.
In this Trello board, I have sample posts that you can use and refer to for your own parties. Of course, you can and should make this your own. Copy the board to your own Trello Board or Copy and Paste each post into whatever system works best for you to stay organized.
I will help you set up your first launch party, your job is to get AS MANY PEOPLE as you can in the group. The first few days I will post and then, as you feel comfortable, I'll hand it over to you!
BOX OPENING: I highly suggest you open your REP KIT and box live in your launch group. This will get people super excited and start the hype!
LIVE VIDEOS, PICTURES OF YOU, REVIEWS: Your people want to see YOU in your gear, so get used to going live in your VIP group (i.e. launch group), and let them see YOU!!!
WEAR THE HECK OUT OF YOUR GEAR: Once you get your gear, wear it all the time. To the gym, to the store, for pictures. YOU are now the ZYIA BRAND and people need to associate you with ZYIA... so enjoy it, wear it, and as you grow your wardrobe have fun!!!
Since your LAUNCH PARTY GROUP should be set up already, start inviting people to join. Get it filled up!!

# 5.
Announce it to the world and don't be afraid to share that you are now a ZYIA rep!!
Now that you’ve scheduled your launch party, you can announce your new business venture! A great way to do this is by posting on social media, texting or emailing friends + family about your new business. Here is an example of what you can share... use this as a template, but make it your own!!
I am so excited to announce that I’m now an official Independent Rep for ZYIA Active!! The company launched in February 2017 and I’m pretty much obsessed with ALL this fitness apparel. The style, the quality, the fit...it’s the BEST! I love what this company represents and I’m excited to share this clothing line with you!
Follow me on social media here:
Facebook: /zyiabrave - Instagram: @zyiabrave
+ SHOP the line here: www.myzyia.com/brave/shop
To kick off my new activewear business, I will be hosting a launch party on ______________ - comment below to be added to my online shopping event! For local friends and family, my in-person launch party will be on _____________ @_______________.
Thank you for your support!!!
☾ You will want to invite AS MANY people as you possibly can and get them into your launch party. I highly suggest you personally message people and include your facebook group link so that they can join. The more people you get to join that group, the more success you will have in the long run.

Save this image and post it with your announcement. Or create your own!
Copy and save any images that you see me use, on my website, or in our facebook groups. Store them in folders on your phone. Start being organized and keep organized.. It will save you so much time in the long run.
Action step: Announce your new business on facebook, Instagram, and anywhere else you can think of. Be excited and show that to people. Let me know once you have done this! Feel free to tag me as well!
Start making a list.
# 5.
Lists are really important in this business... in any business. You want to start thinking about who LOVES activewear and will shop with you, who would be an amazing host and help you spread the word about your business, AND who might love this opportunity to rep. How fun would it be to have a friend to learn this with? If you have someone that pops into your mind right away, write their name down and ask!

Action step: Write down any and all names that come to your mind. Think family, friends, high school, college, gym friends, church friends... who loves activewear and is always wearing it? Who loves to shop? Make three lists (they might overlap). 1) Shoppers 2) Hosts 3) Reps
Message me once you've done this.. and be sure to invite them all to your launch party.
# 6.
Get Organized... Start creating albums on your phone to keep images organized.
You will be using a lot of images in order to promote ZYIA. You will need to share images on social media, send images to clients, and for many other uses. Thankfully we have access to so many images to use, BUT you will want to make sure that you start your business organized or it's going to take forever to find things.
Start preparing by creating albums on your phone for different categories. You can add to them as you go, but some examples are: Leggings, Bras, Tanks, Girls, Boys, Mens Shorts, Mens Joggers, Rep Kits, Sizing Charts, Event images, etc.
As you add images to your phone, make sure you add them to albums as well, so when you are looking for something you don't have to scroll forever to find it.
Watch this video to see how I have my phone organized. It's not perfect and it always changes, but it's super helpful to have it set up this way.
Do I have to carry inventory?
# 7.
NO! This is a huge benefit for ZYIA Active reps. Unlike other companies such as Lularoe, reps do NOT have to keep the inventory, requiring large startup costs and having to personally ship each order to the customer. If you want to keep inventory and sell using that business model, you can - but it’s not required.

This varies from rep to rep and what works best for your lifestyle. For me, I make most of my sales online - using Instagram and Facebook to promote and sell. Others use parties and/or in-person events such as trade shows and expos. I recommend using all these avenues to maximize your exposure and sales. But again, totally up to you how you choose to run your business and manage your time. After all, that’s what makes working for yourself and running your own business so amazing!

What’s the best way to market myself and sell ZYIA Active?
# 8.
I dare you to dream big....
I dare you to be brave...I dare you to try...

More Questions...
I know when I signed up I had a ton of questions. I had a deep feeling that I needed to do this, it just felt right, but before I jumped in, I needed to know that I had support and that it was legit. If that is where you are, reach out. Let's connect on social media or chat via email. You will not be alone when you join, which is amazing. You will have a team that will support you no matter what way you choose to run this business.