join the
Are you ready to become the BEST version of yourself? YOU are amazing friend, and I want you to know that I believe in you. Sometimes we just need a little push and encouragement to reach our goals.... which is why I've created the 100 challenge. It's a challenge to become BETTER, and to do it along side other amazing women. To create community and support that will help us in our heart, mind, and health. Interested? Keep reading for more information and learn how you can join us!

Don't let the number 100 scare you. Instead let it get you excited. This is a chance to show up for yourself and become the best version of yourself there is. Within this challenge we will work on our fitness, our mindset, our friendships and through it all, be will all be come better.
I invite you to join us. Don't allow fear to stop you. If you've made it this far, there is a reason.... and I am excited to see what it is. What if... What if, this is exactly what you need? What if this could be a catalyst for so many other things that you want in your life? Ahhh, I'm giddy just thinking about what this challenge is going to do in everyones lives.
Let's do this friends... let's commit together... Because truly... TOGETHER WE ARE BETTER.

Recent Projects
Commit to 100 Workouts
This isn't about perfection, but it is about committing. Committing to show up for YOU. No one can do this for you, but you also don't have to do it alone. Starting and finishing has the power to CHANGE you... creating a discipline to complete 100 unique workouts will give you a sense of true accomplishment, and help you in so many other areas of your life. On July 29th we are committing to do 100 workouts, each one only being 20-30 minutes each. A mix of cardio, weights, and mind/body training. When you join us, you commit to finish all 100 workouts, in your own timing. For some, this means it might take you 80 days, for some 100, and maybe for some 150. You go at your pace, but you commit that you finish, no matter WHAT life throws at you... you finish.

Step 1.

Designed to be done in the morning. To start your day off right. 20 - 30 minutes per workout, so you can rock your workout and get on with your day.
Features music mixed by a live DJ. The workout will be to a beat, so it will be fun and high energy.
100 unique workouts. Broken down into 5 phases, 20 workouts each. Every day will be different and amazing.
The program features a gorgeous coffee table book - part tracker/part journal. Use the book day by day to finish strong.
You'll also receive a nutrition guide and a wall calendar to keep you on track all 100 days. Cross it off when you've crushed it!

Join our community
Step 2.

Step 3.
Change your mindset
100 days isn't going to be walk in the park. There are going to be days that you won't want to show up and days you want to quit, which is why you must also work on your mindset. Within the group we will be doing personal development and going through the book 100 days to Brave. It is a simple devotional that will help you get your mind in the right place and help you finish this challenge strong.
**The first 10 ladies who commit to joining as a VIP Member on July 1st will receive this book free as a gift from me.
Sign up with your email address below and
get a sample of this amazing workout.
Change your mindset
The group is held in a private group on facebook. You will receive access to the group, once you order. This challenge is for ladies only, so it's a safe space to show up, be real, and get support.
We will have daily posts and tips on nutrition, fitness, and more, but the magic happens when you see everyone showing up daily & posting their workouts. It’s motivating & helps you to connect with other women who are showing up as well in the midst of the chaos of life.
We will all utilize a BRAND NEW program that has 100 unique 20-30 minute workouts. You will also have access to hundreds of other workout programs, so that when we are all done with this challenge, you can continue to work on your journey. This is a lifestyle and we are here to support you. You can access the different workouts on your phone, your computer or your smart TV.
In addition to the workouts, for those who want to participate, we will be going through the book 100 days to Brave. Mindset is key, and when we also work on personal development, its amazing the shift we can have and the changes that can occur.
You will also receive additional resources to succeed, including a hard bound book that will be a journal/guide to help with your mindset throughout the challenge. Plus, a meal plan to help you stay on track with nutrition as well.
Then just press play each day and when you finish your workout post in the group for accountability!!!
If you are ever stuck, feeling unmotivated, or just have questions, post in the group and someone will give you the push you need!!!
We will also have chances to win prizes and gifts for those who show up and finish the challenge!!!

The first 10 ladies who commit to joining as a VIP Member on July 1st will receive this book free as a gift from me.

Starts at $110
3 month access to all the workouts in our online fitness library, including VIP access to MM100 + all materials + access to the private facebook group.

Starts at $160
1 years access to all the workouts in our online fitness library, including VIP access to MM100 + all materials + 30 days of my favorite superfood or the BB performance line + access to the private facebook group.
Join as a Discount Coach
Save 25%
Early access to the workouts for 15 days starting on July 1st
The first 10 ladies to sign up for this will get a free copy of 100 days to Brave.

Join our community
Are you ready to become the BEST version of yourself? YOU are amazing friend, and I want you to know that I believe in you. Sometimes we just need a little push and encouragement to r
"A really good
quote needs to go here."
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